About Me

Hi! I am Kasia Junak

A Midwife, a Doula CD(DONA), a Shantala Massage Instructor.

    I have been in a birth world for over 15 years. I started my journey in supporting women by studying Midwifery at Medical University in my home country Poland in Europe. I finished my higher education with a Master’s Degree in Midwifery and began working in various hospital settings.

    Through all these years, I gained experience in numerous fields of midwifery – I supported the moms during birth, worked in NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit), and helped solve issues with lactation.

    After a while, I realized that my midwifery career was too focused on a clinical experience instead of a mother as a person. I believe that the holistic approach during such a beautiful chapter in every woman’s life – pregnancy and birth – is crucial.

    I started adding emotional support, working with a gentle touch, and staying in a mindfulness state to spread my calmness and presence with birthing families and holding space for them during their unique life experiences. I realized that the support I had been offering at that time was an excellent fit for Doula’s work scope, which started to be fascinating to me then.

    A couple of years ago, during my own beautiful chapter in my life – the first baby, I had an opportunity to move to the United States, which allowed me to reconsider how I support mothers. I recently started offering my Doula services in San Diego, California where I live.

    2008 – Bachelor of Midwifery
    2011 – Master of Midwifery
    2012 – 2018 – working as a Midwife
    2018 – Labor Support Doula & Lactation Workshop (DONA)
    2022 - Part I of the Birth Story Medicine School Program
    2022 – A Virtual Evenings with Ina May Gaskin and Dr. Amber Price, CNM
    2022 – Paranama Doula Course with Michael Odent and Liliana Lamers
    2022 – The Art of Sacred Postpartum Online Training
    2022 – Spinning Baby workshop with Nicole Morales (CPM)
    2022 – Volunteer work: Operation Doula San Diego, Naval Medical Center